Dzambo sina

Jumbo telescopic larder unit

The supporting frame made of rectangular plastic-coated pipes in metallic-grey color, with adjustable additions.
Korpa za dzambo sinu

Basket for jumbo unit

The jumbo slider basket is made of semi-steel plastic coated wire.
Mini dzambo sina

Mini jumbo telescopic larder unit

The supporting frame made of rectangular plastic-coated pipes in metallic-grey color, with adjustable additions.

Basket for mini jumbo unit

The mini jumbo slider basket is made of semi-steel plastic coated wire.

Under sink basket – type A

Product material is semi-steel wire coated or nickel plated. Sliding mechanism on telescopic rails.

Under sink basket – type B

Product material is semi-steel wire coated or nickel plated. Sliding mechanism on telescopic rails.
Ekonomik bocna fioka

Economic side mounted drawer

The production material is a semi-steel wire coated in gray color or made at customer's request.
Klasik bocna fioka

Classic side mounted drawer

Product material is semi-steel wire coated or nickel plated. Sliding mechanism on telescopic rails.
Strong bocna fioka

Strong side mounted drawer

Product material is semi-steel wire coated or nickel plated. Sliding mechanism on telescopic rails.